"Rising of the Son" Mixtape coming soon.....

"To you music is your job, to me music is my life" -Lil Wayne-

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


All of my topics revolve around music, the artist and everything associated with them. What I see is artist moving too fast "trying to create a hit", making music based on a trending sound or style and hoping they get their big break. The reason I titled this post "Presentation" is because the first impression is the most important view you can give to an unknown person or audience. The little things such as the design and casing or your sample cd to your image and all the way to your approach is what people see when you interact with them for the first time. I see a lot of artist seem to give off that gangsta/thug image which is fine if thats naturally who you are. What people don't realize is gangsta's and thugs are born and raised into that kind of lifestyle so that makes em who they are. It's so easy to point out artist who are out of character and trying to be something they not. When it comes to music its all about being unique in your sound and style but you also have to know the business side and how to present yourself in a professional manner. Be yourself, it makes things a whole lot easier some will like it some won't, you can't please everybody. Be easy....

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